Als ich im März in New York ankam, fielen mir auf Swarm die Checkins von Selim Varol auf. Normalerweise begleiten mich die Checkins des „What?�s Beef“-Gründers in Düsseldorf. Was macht er denn in New York? Müsste er nicht in Düsseldorf an dem Nachfolger seines Toykio-Cafés arbeiten?
Aus Toykio wird „Whats Pizza„. Die Vorbereitungen laufen. April wurde als Eröffnungsziel nicht ganz geschafft, jetzt soll es die zweite Mai Woche werden. Moment, stecken wir nicht schon drin?
standing like a rock! ❤️🙌🍕💪😎 #whatspizza #düsseldorf #gourmetpizza #pizzalove #bestpizza #pizzalife #whtspz #pizzagourmet #artisanpizza #freshrules
Aber was war das jetzt mit New York? Selim Varol war nicht im Urlaub. Es war so etwas wie eine Recherchereise. Er hat die unterschiedlichsten Pizza-Läden besucht, begutachtet und betestet; bezeichnet als „NYC tasting trip“. Swarm diente als sein digitales Notizbüchlein. Da dachte ich mir: Warum die Route nicht für alle notieren? Zum Nachreisen, mitprobieren und hungrig werden …
No sleep till Brooklyn! more than ready for our NYC tasting trip! 🍕😋🗽❤️✈️🇺🇸🍕 #whatspizza #düsseldorf #gourmetpizza #pizzalove #bestpizza #pizzalife #whtspz #pizzagourmet #artisanpizza #freshrules
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- Wir beginnen in Brooklyn: Best Pizza (Williamsburg) (33 Havemeyer St (btwn N 7th & N 8th St.), Brooklyn, NY 11211, USA)
Selim meint: „NYC Pitzstop Nr. 1: nice crew, delish slices & good prices!Not „the“ best we had but good. They def have a nice sellection of sodas…“
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- Roberta?�s Pizza (East Williamsburg) (261 Moore St (at Bogart St), Brooklyn, NY 11206, USA)
Hier gibt es eine Pizza mit dem Namen „La Düsseldorf“ (prairie breeze, brussels sprout, shallot, pickled mustard seed, horseradish, lemon für 16 Dollar). Selim meint: „We came all the way from Düsseldorf to New York to order this Pizza! Feels like home! We ❤️Roberta?�s.“
We came all the way from Düsseldorf to New York to order this Pizza! Feels like home! We ❤️Roberta?�s 🍕🗽🍕 #whtspz #ladüsseldorf #robertas #whatspizza #gourmetpizza #pizzalove #pizzalife #pizzagourmet #artisanpizza #freshrules
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- Gorilla Coffee (97 5th Ave (at Park Pl), Brooklyn, NY 11217)
Zwischendrin auch mal einen Kaffee. Selim meint: „allways good to be here! sweet memories❤️❤️“ und bei einem späteren Checkin: „It?�s all about Artisan Pizza, Coffee & Beer! The idea of Toykio and our Coffee roots are deeply inspired by Gorilla Coffee in Park Slope Brooklyn. Well worth a visit and our permanent Embassy on al…“
- Di Fara Pizza (Midwood) (1424 Avenue J (at E 15th St), Brooklyn, NY 11230, USA)
Selim meint: „Spread Love its the Brooklyn Way! The „Don“Dom Demarco is handling the Pizza with his bare amazing hands for over 50 Years now! Much respect & ❤️ to the Di Fara Family!“
Spread Love its the Brooklyn Way! The „Don“ Dom Demarco is handling the Pizza with his bare amazing hands for over 50 Years now! Much respect & ❤️ to the Di Fara Family! 🙌🍕👪🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 #whatspizza #difara #gourmetpizza #pizzalove #bestpizza #pizzalife #whtspz #pizzagourmet #artisanpizza #freshrules
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- L&B Spumoni Gardens (Gravesend) (2725 86th St (at W 10th St.), Brooklyn, NY 11223, USA)
Selim meint: „Delishious Tomato Pie! Recommendable! ❤️❤️❤️❤️“ und „TomatoPie & IceCream @ L&B Spumoni Garden! We Love Love Love the fruity Pie Pizza! Düsseldorf stay tuned!“
TomatoPie & IceCream @ L&B Spumoni Garden! We Love Love Love the fruity Pie Pizza! ❤️🍕❤️🍕❤️🍕 Düsseldorf stay tuned! 🙌 #whatspizza #düsseldorf #gourmetpizza #pizzalove #bestpizza #pizzalife #whtspz #pizzagourmet #artisanpizza #freshrules
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- Grimaldi?�s Pizzeria (Dumbo) (1 Front St (at Cadman Plaza W), Brooklyn, NY 11201)
Selim meint: „Red & White @ Grimaldi?�s! Very Good but not the Best!“
Red & White @ Grimaldi?�s! Good but not the Best! 🌟🌟🌟 #whatspizza #grimaldis #gourmetpizza #pizzalove #bestpizza #pizzalife #whtspz #pizzagourmet #artisanpizza #freshrules
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- Franny?�s (North Slope) (348 Flatbush Ave (btwn Sterling Pl & 8th Ave), Brooklyn, NY 11238, USA)
- Giuseppina?�s (Greenwood) (691 6th Ave (at 20th St.), Brooklyn, NY 11215, USA) Selim meint: „Worth a try if your in Brooklyn Park Slope…“
- Weiter geht es in Manhattan: Lombard?�s Coal Oven Pizza (Little Italy, Soho) (32 Spring St (at Mott St), New York City, NY 10012, USA)
Selim meint: „Good but not our favorite…“
finally were here! heard a lot of stories about that spot and just remebered that we?�ve been here already ages ago. Still excellent quality, but you got to ask to be seated in the old part! ❤️🍕👌 #whatspizza #lombardis #gourmetpizza #pizzalove #bestpizza #pizzalife #whtspz #pizzagourmet #artisanpizza #freshrules
Ein von Artisan Pizza, Beer & Coffee (@whtspz) gepostetes Foto am
- Prince Street Pizza (Nolita) (27 Prince St (btwn Mott & Elizabeth St), New York City, NY 10012, USA)
Selim meint: „Crispiest Slice in NYC! Very recommendable.“
- Williamsburg Pizza (Lower East Side) (277 Broome St (at Allen St), New York City, NY 10002)
Selim meint: „1st Price for best Slice 3 Times in a row! #respect“
- Motorino (East Village) (349 E 12th St (at 1st Ave), New York City, NY 10003)
Selim meint: „NYC?�s finest & 1 of #whtsbf?�s favorite places!“ und „its all about details! these masters serve cane sugar coke with your pizza! #magnificent“ und „Brusslespouts @ Motorino! Simply delish! These guys are up and running for 8 years and true to the game … hats off!“
Brusslesprouts @ Motorino! Simply delish! These guys are up and running for 8 years and true to the game… hats off! 🎩👍🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟👌🍕 #whatspizza #motorino #gourmetpizza #pizzalove #bestpizza #pizzalife #whtspz #pizzagourmet #artisanpizza #freshrules
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- John?�s of 12th Street (East Village) (302 E 12th St (btwn 1st & 2nd Ave), New York City, NY 10003, USA)
Selim meint: „Vegan rules! Since 1908! #unbeleivable. These Guys are trippin'“
- Zwischendrin ein Eis: Big Gay Ice Cream Shop (East Village) (125 E 7th St (btwn 1st Ave & Ave A), New York City, NY 10009)
Selim meint: „The salted Pimp rules the Street! 👍“
- Luke?�s Lobster EV (East Village) (93 E 7th St (btwn 1st Ave & Ave A), New York City, NY 10009, USA)
Selim meint: „Simply yum! Just try the 15$ Lobster Sandwich! Very good for the small apetite. 🌟🌟🌟🌟“
Rubirosa (NoLita) (235 Mulberry St (btwn Prince & Spring St), New York City, NY 10012, USA)
Selim meint: „Check out the Oven in the Back! 🌟🌟🌟🌟“
#RUBIROSA !! These guys have 1 of only 2 giant rotating Gas Ovens in NYC. Usually these Ovens are used to make traditional Bagels. Pizza from this Oven is just an experience! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 #whatspizza #gourmetpizza #pizzalove #bestpizza #pizzalife #whtspz #pizzagourmet #artisanpizza #freshrules #hipstapizza #eeeeeats
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- Zurück nach Brooklyn - wie wäre es mit Burger? Bareburger (Park Slope) (170 7th Ave (at 1st St.), Brooklyn, NY 11215, USA)
Selim meint:“Good but not the best!“
Pauly definitely has the right oven! @thenomiss 😉 & the Pizza is good too! 👌🌟🌟🌟🌟🍕 #whatspizza #düsseldorf #gourmetpizza #pizzalove #pizzalife #whtspz #pizzagourmet #artisanpizza #freshrules #paulygees
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Nach vier Tagen verabschiedete sich Selim am Flughafen mit den Worten „Back to the Family“ ?Danke Selim, dass du uns mit auf die Reise genommen hast. Ich bin gespannt, welche Einflüsse es zu „Whats Pizza“ schaffen - ich komme vorbei und probiere.
(Fotos: Foursquare-Tipps der Nutzer)
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