Bei der re-publica 2010 begeisterte mich ja der Talk Playful Cities von Igor und Johannes. Das Interesse der Jungs am Thema Stadt kann man wunderbar im Blog Cognitive Cities ablesen. Jetzt beläßt es das Team hinter Cognitive Cities aber nicht nur beim Bloggen - seit heute ist es auch offiziell: Im Herbst wird es eine Konferenz geben! Wie spannend! Hier ist die offizielle Ankündigung:
Announcing: The Cognitive Cities Conference
Our future will be played out in cities.The projections tell us that our planet will resemble some very familiar fictional fantasies: 75% of the global population will be living by 2050 in cities or mega cities. Between slums and mass poverty on one hand and eco-sustainable living on the other hand, there will be both tough problems to solve and exciting visions to realize. We are at a point in time where the paths are set for the future of cities.
The Cognitive Cities Conference wants to pick up the vibrant global conversation about the future of cities and bring it to Germany. By bringing bright minds with different perspectives together, it is our ambition to enable not only an in-depth exchange about the current state of affairs, but also to foster new projects.
We believe that collaboration and diversity lead to the best results. We see the Cognitive Cities Conference as a platform for exchange and mutual inspiration and invite urban planners, designers, technology geeks, environmental experts, public officials, urban gardening enthusiasts and cultural influencers to be part of the conversation. We can only make our cities more liveable if we work together to improve them.
The format of the conference will be a combination of lightning talks and workshop style sessions. Participants will share ideas, thoughts and challenges based on their diverse backgrounds, thus presenting different perspectives and approaches to the challenges we share. We are planning a one track only event, with the option for break-out sessions at any time.
Where and when?
Cognitive Cities Conference
02./03. October 2010
Coworking CologneWho is Cognitive Cities for?
We believe that diversity is essential for mutual inspiration. Cognitive Cities is aimed at designers, architects, futurists, urban planners, web geeks, activists, urban dwellers, you name it. If you are interested in the future of your city, you are most welcome.
Who is behind Cognitive Cities Conference?
Axel Quack, Igor Schwarzmann, Johannes Kleske, Markus Reuter, Martin Spindler, Peter Bihr, Welf Kirschner. Powered by
Cognitive Cities is organized on a non-profit basis. We will provide more details and a dedicated link soon. Official hashtag is #cocities.